Afonso Figueiredo

/Afonso Figueiredo

Afonso Figueiredo


Geologist Engineer graduated from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), class of 1970. Specialized in target selection for mineral exploration and geological-economic evaluation of mineral deposits. Professional experience
includes 52 years in all phases of mineral exploration, with emphasis on Copper, Nickel, Lead, Zinc, Gold, Iron, Manganese, Diamond, Platinoids, Uranium, Rare Earths, and several industrial minerals. Worked in Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Colombia; Uruguay, Chile, Gabon, Liberia, Congo, Portugal, Spain and India. Provided services to Vale, BP Minerals, Rio Tinto, Nuclebras, Tibras, Barrick Brasil, Ferrous, and dozens of Junior Companies and Investment Companies in mining projects.

By |2022-08-04T15:38:10+00:00novembro 28th, 2018|Comentários desativados em Afonso Figueiredo

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